What is neuropathy in North Scottsdale AZ, and what can you do to get relief?

What is neuropathy in North Scottsdale AZ, and what can you do to get relief?

Chiropractic North Scottsdale AZ What Is Neuropathy

Neuropathy in North Scottsdale AZ is a condition that happens when nerves are damaged by injury or disease. It can cause tingling, numbness, pain, and dysfunction. Conditions like diabetes, infections, vitamin deficiencies, and autoimmune disorders can result in neuropathy that may worsen to a point of unbearable pain or where you lose balance or the ability to walk.

Neuropathy can describe damage to a single peripheral nerve, known as mononeuropathy, or to multiple peripheral nerves, called polyneuropathy. Examples of mononeuropathy include carpal tunnel syndrome and sciatica. Some people get mononeuropathy from sitting for long time, such as in a wheelchair. Polyneuropathy is the type of neuropathy associated with diabetes or vitamin B12 deficiencies. Some feel a loss of sensation, pain, and tingling in their feet, lower legs, and sometimes arms and hands. Neuropathy can range from mild to disabling pain.

Can eating the right foods and taking supplements help neuropathy in North Scottsdale AZ?

Yes, it can. However, it can help, but not always reverse the condition. In most cases, the neuropathy has gone too far to be reversed with diet. And it usually was a result of malabsorption of vitamins and nutrients to begin with. This is generally a result of digestive and gut issues. When food is not broken down and the nutrients are not absorbed properly, many diseases, such as neuropathy may occur. Taking too much of certain nutrients can have a negative impact too, especially on nerves. Vitamin B-6 is one of them. When taking supplements for a specific condition, be cautious, and have blood work done by a professional who has studied nutrition, and can advise you on the specific doses of each supplement. Trying to do this on your own, may result in worsening a condition like neuropathy. Vitamin B-12 injections may help neuropathy. It’s essential for nerve health. Low enough levels can cause peripheral neuropathy.

A lack of B-12 damages the myelin sheath that surrounds and protects nerves. Without this protection, nerves cannot function properly. I generally recommend a methylated form of B-12, as methylation is a process in the body, that some people are not able to do on their own. I won’t go into that process in this article, but it’s worth mentioning at this point. You can have blood testing done to see if you ‘methylate’, however, I recommend most of my patients get the methylated or methylcobalamin shots in my office. Very high doses of methylcobalamin are now sited in research to treat peripheral neuropathies. There are more supplements to help neuropathy, and if you are interested in learning more about them, please call my office for a consult.

Can exercise help neuropathy?

Yes. Research shows daily exercise can help nerve damage. Strength exercise is very important for this. Walking and other cardiovascular exercise is important, but strengthening helps to build muscle, and improve circulation. It can also diminish nerve pain.

What is PRP, and how does it help with neuropathy?

PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, is from your own blood. This is how it works. Your blood is drawn, spun down down in a centrifuge, then the plasma and platelets are separated from the other blood components. The concentrated platelets are then injected into certain areas, like joints so they can get to work healing and restoring nerve function. Platelets are a component of the blood that have healing proteins and growth factors that help healthy cells proliferate. This is a safe alternative to harsh medications and other procedures. PRP is, in many cases, an effective way to help restore proper nerve function, especially when combined with ozone therapy. Patients who’ve received this combination in my office, have been able to feel much better, and have gotten back to their daily life without the symptoms of neuropathy slowing them down. The addition of the ozone expedites the healing process as well. The combination of the PRP and ozone is such a natural and safe way to reduce many of the symptoms of neuropathy.

If you or anyone you know suffers from neuropathy, please call my office for a complimentary consultation. Please don’t wait for your symptoms to worsen, there may be hope for you to get your life back.

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Accurate Care Medical Wellness Center

18261 N Pima Rd Suite 115
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
P: (480) 584-3955
F: (602) 493-2262