Adult Scoliosis. You’ve Lived With The Pain This Long, Now What In North Scottsdale AZ?
Adult Scoliosis In North Scottsdale AZ. You've Lived With Pain This Long, Now What?

I’m writing this article as a request from many of my readers and patients at my North Scottsdale AZ chiropractic clinic. There are decent options once you’re usually diagnosed as a teenager, but what do you do as an adult living in pain who has either had surgery earlier in life or opted not to? Many people suffer, take pain medication, or just live with the pain.
What Exactly Is Scoliosis In North Scottsdale AZ?
The spine should be straight, but when it curves laterally, the condition is called scoliosis. This is generally diagnosed just before puberty due to a growth spurt and may be treated conservatively until about the age of 18 to 20. Congenital scoliosis is the diagnosis of a condition that happens at birth. Acquired scoliosis is the diagnosis when it happens after trauma, or over time into adulthood. Some conditions require surgery due to the severity. This can range from very painful, to hardly any pain at all. The pain may last for a lifetime and generally worsens over time. In some instances in teenhood, the condition stabilizes, and conservative care may even reverse the lateral curve. Treating scoliosis for teenagers is necessary for correction, and or stability of the spine.
Can Scoliosis Be Cured As An Adult?
Once the patent reaches adulthood, the condition is generally irreversible. According to numerous studies on conservative back care, the curve can be slowed down, or even stopped from worsening over the years. This requires regular chiropractic care, exercises to strengthen the surrounding muscles, acupuncture, physical therapy, and bracing. Even surgery involving bone fusion, removal of bones or ribs, and rods placed within the spine, basically keep the curve from worsening. As surgical techniques evolve, there are additional methods used to prevent the curve from worsening. Again, depending on the severity of the curve, pain, and lifestyle challenges, surgery may or may not be an option.
How Can The Pain Be Relieved Without Drastic Measures Like Surgery?
Research over the years as shown that regular chiropractic, exercises, and prescription bracing, help to reduce even severe pain associated with scoliosis. I have personally worked with adult scoliosis for 26 years. Traditional chiropractic alone is not the most effective therapy for my patients. The addition of acupuncture and calming electrical stimulation together has allowed me to get the best results. Specific prescription exercises to strengthen the surrounding muscles, especially the core, help to reduce the deep aching most scoliosis patients complain of. Even specific breathing techniques are used in my office to relieve the pain and tension of scoliosis. It is very important that the treatments be done on an individual basis. Many patients have tried maybe each of the abovementioned therapies alone, but not together as a specific protocol. These protocols have to be changed for each patient depending on many factors. Factors include, how long the patient has had the condition, the age of the patient, the degree of the curve or curves, and the level of pain the patient is feeling. So many times, I see other pain that results from scoliosis over the years. This may or may not be directly on or next to the spine. The curve (s) can affect organs and cause other issues as well. There may be further diagnostic imaging and bloodwork ordered to determine the severity of the associated conditions.
Other Than Pain Medication, What Else Can Relieve The Pain As Needed?
Many patients feel immediate relief from prescription scoliosis braces. These braces are custom fit to the patient right in the office. It is not necessary that they be worn all day, however, worn for a short time throughout the day, or on an as-needed basis, greatly diminishes the pain for even severe scoliosis cases. Once the pain is diminished, patients report that they have more energy, sleep better, and enjoy their activities once again, without pain.
If you or anyone you know has adult scoliosis, please call my office for a complimentary consultation. This is a painful condition that can be managed conservatively without drugs or surgery, therefore giving you your life back.
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Accurate Care Medical Wellness Center
18261 N Pima Rd Suite 115
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
P: (480) 584-3955
F: (602) 493-2262