We’ve Heard Of Christmas In July. How About New Year’s In July in North Scottsdale AZ?
We've Heard Of Christmas In July How About New Year's In July in North Scottsdale AZ?

Many of us have set New Year's goals and resolutions, and those goals have fallen to the wayside, usually by February or March. Here we are in July so let's get back on track to where we wanted to be by this time of year. It can be pretty simple. There are also a few other things you can do. It seems that people fail when they try to do too much at once or are trying to make changes that just aren't important to them. Sometimes these changes are so overwhelming to even think about without stressing over them, that some people don't even start. Let's try and make at least one change to start over. Contact our North Scottsdale AZ chiropractor for help today.
Set Priorities In North Scottsdale AZ
Let's talk about priorities first. A lot of people attempt to make changes to please someone else. Whether that's a friend, family member, or even their doctor. With any changes you make any time of the year, they should be because you want to make the change for you. The good news about trying to make changes other people recommend is that in most cases it's in your best interest and good for you, you just have to know that. If it's not the best for you, you have to know that also.
Going through the motions rarely works when it comes to making positive health changes in your life. I find that it's easiest when you put the changes you want to make into priority from highest to lowest. And remember, they have to be your priorities. You know what your priorities are, and it helps to write them down. Yes they may change as time goes on, that's okay.
At this point of the year, start with only one. It's pretty easy to prioritize one thing you want to change. Another tip, is to not have it be major lifestyle change. That becomes overwhelming pretty quickly. Please remember to be honest with yourself. And always remember to do this thing for you. When you put anything that you want into priorities that are important to you, it'll be easier to make than if you did not.
So now you have this one thing you want to make all in priority according to what you want. The next thing to do, is set a shorter timeline. Rather than thinking that you will have to do these every day for the rest of your life, use the old 12 steps saying, "One day at a time". Just make it through the first day making that change. Sometimes if they're big ones like quitting smoking or alcohol, some people even take it one hour at a time. So be it if that's what you have to do.
Tomorrow is another day and you can do the same thing. For the easier ones, try taking it one week at a time or making that change until a special day or holiday comes up. Many people break the rules on those days. The thing you must do is to decide exactly how long those rules will be broken, if at all. Will it be only for that day, or that weekend, or that week during vacation, etc.? To follow through with these changes, decide when you'll get right back on track and stick to that. When people don't set a time to break a rule, they rarely, if ever, get back on track.
The next big challenge many set up for themselves is the timing. If you are in the middle of vacation season and are trying to make a big change, that could be a setup for failure. Think about days coming up that may be more difficult. Either wait until those days have passed and then start or have a plan for what you're going to do to stay on track during those days.
Look at your day ahead and see what challenges might arise. Ask people for help and try and associate more with those who are supporting you. After all, how many times can you keep looking the other way when everyone else is doing something that's going against your goals? Sometimes it's easier to just step back and focus on yourself before hanging out with those who may be going in a different direction. As you get stronger, that will become easier.
Let's make this new year better than last year. It all starts with ourselves. Small changes can make a big difference when they come from within. Whether they are New Year's resolutions, mid-year's resolutions, or things you want to change 'just because'. This time can be different.
I hope this helps with making your changes work for you. If you'd like help to see which changes make the most sense for your health, please call my office for an appointment.
10:00am - 2:00pm
3:30pm - 5:30pm
10:00am - 2:00pm
3:30pm - 5:30pm
10:00am - 2:00pm
3:30pm - 5:30pm
10:00am - 2:00pm
3:30pm - 5:30pm
10:00am - 4:00pm
By Appointment
Accurate Care Medical Wellness Center
18261 N Pima Rd Suite 115
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
P: (480) 584-3955
F: (602) 493-2262