"The Other Side of Your Health Story" Blog in North Scottsdale AZ

My latest column, "The Other Side Of Your Health Story" is featured bi-monthly in Cave Creek's Sonoran News.
As a wellness speaker, I lecture regularly on health and nutrition throughout the Phoenix area. Venues include Honeywell, Paychex, and both public and private communities.
What is neuropathy in North Scottsdale AZ, and what can you do to get relief?
What is neuropathy in North Scottsdale AZ, and what can you do to get relief? Neuropathy in North Scottsdale AZ is a condition that happens when nerves are damaged by injury or disease. It can cause tingling, numbness, pain, and dysfunction. Conditions like diabetes, infections, vitamin deficiencies, and autoimmune disorders can result in neuropathy that…
It’s a new season. Fall’s changes help us to finish the year on a healthy note in North Scottsdale AZ
It’s a new season in North Scottsdale AZ. Fall’s changes help us to finish the year on a healthy note Here in the Valley, the heat gets us down. Many go up north, to escape it. So many are coming back to the Valley now, and now that you’ve come back, or you’ve been here…
Text Neck? Yes, It’s Real in North Scottsdale AZ
Text Neck? Yes, It’s Real In North Scottsdale AZ “Text neck syndrome” is now real. It exists not only in younger kids and teenagers but in most people who use a phone or mobile device regularly. It is basically a group of clinical symptoms that cause musculoskeletal pain. This pain is mainly in the neck…
Chronic Joint Pain Isn’t A Result Of An Ibuprofen Shortage in North Scottsdale AZ
Chronic Joint Pain Isn’t A Result Of An Ibuprofen Shortage In North Scottsdale AZ There are many causes of joint pain. Once the pain becomes chronic, the patient may become worn down, fatigued, and frustrated due to the duration of the condition. They take over-the-counter pain medication and anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen, Tylenol, and more. Some…
Type 2 Diabetes Has Been Reversed For Patients Who Follow These 5 Steps in North Scottsdale AZ
Type 2 Diabetes Has Been Reversed For Patients Who Follow These 5 Steps In North Scottsdale AZ Yes, this is true. Myself and many of my colleagues and have quite a few patients at my North Scottsdale AZ chiropractic clinic who’ve reversed their type 2 diabetes. It can be done if the patient wants to…
Ozone Therapy To Increase Healing. How It Worked For Me in North Scottsdale AZ
Ozone Therapy To Increase Healing In North Scottsdale AZ. How It Worked For Me Ozone treatments are becoming more popular as an alternative to steroid injections and other more invasive therapies. Ozone therapy has been around for more than a century. It is used for improving blood flow, how the body uses oxygen, increasing the…