"The Other Side of Your Health Story" Blog in North Scottsdale AZ

Chiropractor North Scottsdale AZ Leisa Grgula The Other Side Of Your Health Story
Chiropractic North Scottsdale AZ Sonoran News

My latest column, "The Other Side Of Your Health Story" is featured bi-monthly in Cave Creek's Sonoran News.

As a wellness speaker, I lecture regularly on health and nutrition throughout the Phoenix area. Venues include Honeywell, Paychex, and both public and private communities.

Is “Modern Medicine” Enough in North Scottsdale AZ?

Is “Modern Medicine” Enough in North Scottsdale AZ?

Is “Modern Medicine” Enough in North Scottsdale AZ? I’m not so sure, according to the results some of my patients report to me as they’re sharing their disappointment with the outcome of their surgeries, rehab, and many basic treatments. It seems that “Modern Medicine” is not as modern as we think it should be in…

Breakthroughs in Regenerative Therapies Offer Hope for Joint Pain Sufferers in North Scottsdale AZ

Breakthroughs in Regenerative Therapies Offer Hope for Joint Pain Sufferers in North Scottsdale AZ

Breakthroughs in Regenerative Therapies Offer Hope for Joint Pain Sufferers in North Scottsdale AZ As I’ve been writing this article for quite some time, everyone knows I go to regenerative therapies conferences three times per year. At least once a year, there are new products and protocols that have been introduced since the last conference…

Unveiling the Potential Risks of Ozempic in North Scottsdale AZ

Unveiling the Potential Risks of Ozempic in North Scottsdale AZ

Navigating the Pitfalls: Unveiling the Potential Risks of Ozempic in North Scottsdale AZ It’s resolution season in North Scottsdale AZ! In one of my last articles, I wrote about weight loss. In that article, I mentioned Semaglutide, or the brand name, Ozempic. This drug is the hottest prescription weight loss trend on the market, and it…

Barbara’s Story About Regenerative Therapies in North Scottsdale AZ

Barbara’s Story About Regenerative Therapies in North Scottsdale AZ

Barbara’s Story About Regenerative Therapies in North Scottsdale AZ Read about Barbara’s passionate story about keeping up with her grandsons and so much more after regenerative therapies treatments of her knee and hands in our North Scottsdale AZ office. Barbara’s Story in North Scottsdale AZ Barbara came to my office after reading an article I…

Weight loss in North Scottsdale AZ. What are the safest options that work for you?

Weight loss in North Scottsdale AZ. What are the safest options that work for you?

Weight loss. What are the safest options that work for you? in North Scottsdale AZ There are many methods and protocols for healthy weight loss in North Scottsdale AZ, including doctor assisted treatments, balanced diet, regular physical activity, and lifestyle changes. It’s important to approach a weight loss method in a healthy and sustainable way,…

Clearing Up the Definitions of Some Alternative Medicine Methods in North Scottsdale AZ

Clearing Up the Definitions of Some Alternative Medicine Methods in North Scottsdale AZ

Clearing Up the Definition of Some Alternative Medicine Methods In North Scottsdale I hear many people quite often confuse the terms of different alternative therapies in North Scottsdale AZ. Here are a few of the terms that might need to be defined so you can understand the differences. Definitions in North Scottsdale AZ Two of…