How to Feel Better While Coming out of Lockdown in North Scottsdale AZ
How to Feel Better While Coming out of Lockdown in North Scottsdale AZ

Follow these 4 tips to feel better while easing back into your routine soon…
Under the circumstances of staying home during quarantine, I'm finding as a North Scottsdale AZ chiropractor that many people are reporting more aches and pains in North Scottsdale AZ. Partially because of inflammatory foods they are eating for comfort. And partially, because of their now sedentary lifestyle.
Reduce Inflammation to Feel Better in North Scottsdale AZ
Lowering inflammation is always good for our body. If we can control the inflammatory response, we can lower our chances of an overreaction to a virus or anything else. Back to vitamin C, it actually modulates interleukin 10. This is an inflammatory response. Lowering inflammatory response is the goal for being able to stay healthy and being able to allow your body to fight on its own, once coming in contact with something like a virus or others. Brussels sprouts are high in sulforaphane, which is a powerful antioxidant. It also feeds the gut by supporting the T helper cells that allow your immune system to function. They also have about 80 milligrams of vitamin C in a one cup serving
It's best to eat non-inflammatory or low inflammatory foods. This is great for general health, reducing pain, and boosting your immune system.
Too Much, Too Soon
As restrictions start to relax soon, many will be faced with bad habits they've developed over the last month or so. Like any other time you are trying to change a bad or challenging habit, the longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to make those changes.
It might help to pick one thing you want to change and work on that for the next week. If it's a food you're overindulging in, then try and taper that off over time. Stress levels are a bit high now, and trying to make too many changes at once can be overwhelming. You don't want complications of being overwhelmed and possibly going in the other direction of overindulgence at this point.
Get Outside - You'll Feel Better!
Another tip is to start getting outside more regularly. And by this, I mean more than just walking outside to check the mail. As I mentioned in at least one other previous article, getting into the sun for your vitamin D is very important, especially now. Many studies show that the body is most efficient at making vitamin D at noon. That is when the sun is at its highest point and its UVB rays are most intense.
Use this as a guide….
If your shadow is longer than your body height you may not be able to make any vitamin D. Commit to 10 to 15 minutes per day of unprotected sun exposure to your arms, legs, abdomen, and back. If staying out longer, follow up with good sun protection like a 50 SPF or higher sunblock especially here in Arizona. I prefer to wear sun-blocking clothing rather than using chemicals.
Your respiratory health is also important…
If you are not already doing so, work on your cardiovascular exercise. This can be done at the same time you are in the sun for your vitamin D. However as temperatures rise, this could be difficult to do at noon. I would suggest any outdoor cardiovascular exercise be done earlier in the morning or in the evening so you can prevent heat exhaustion.
Just try to commit to about 20 minutes three times per week on your first week back. Then try to increase one day per week until you can work up to 5 to 6 days per week. One day off for rest is important. This can also help with any excess weight you've gained by staying home. Also be sure to keep up your water intake. Remember that it is important to maintain the moisture in the mucous membranes in your respiratory system. Because it is so dry in Arizona, you can simmer a pot of water on the stove to increase the humidity in your home. Just don't forget it's on the stove so set a timer to remember it's still simmering. If you have a humidifier, use it.
Relieve Back and Joint Pain
My last tip is on how to relieve your back and joint pain now, so you can get back into your work and exercise routines again. A back brace is called an LSO or lumbar-sacral orthosis. This is used to reduce the use of pain relievers, like opioids, over-the-counter NSAIDs, or injections. It protects the back during the exercise and heavy lifting. It keeps your back supported to keep you mobile and active. These medical-grade back supports are very helpful to relieve pain and decompress the spine while you're at home. I recommend them for most of my patients.
Studies have shown that 65% of patients feel pain relief within one hour of wearing one. Those polled also reported that they were able to go back to daily activities they were unable to do prior to wearing the brace.
Other braces include unloading knee braces. By applying pressure to key points on the leg, these braces gently unload pressure from the side with degeneration to the healthy side of the joint. This also halts further degeneration in the knee temporarily, while wearing the brace. These braces can be used during exercise as well.
For information on these braces, please contact my office. Due to COVID-19, insurances are now allowing us to drop ship them to people at their home. These are medical devices, and if medically necessary, you do not have to be a patient in my office to receive a brace. This is now open to anyone in the community.
As always, I hope this article was informative.
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10:00am - 2:00pm
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10:00am - 2:00pm
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10:00am - 2:00pm
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Accurate Care Medical Wellness Center
18261 N Pima Rd Suite 115
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
P: (480) 584-3955
F: (602) 493-2262