Breakthroughs in Regenerative Therapies Offer Hope for Joint Pain Sufferers in North Scottsdale AZ
Breakthroughs in Regenerative Therapies Offer Hope for Joint Pain Sufferers in North Scottsdale AZ

As I've been writing this article for quite some time, everyone knows I go to regenerative therapies conferences three times per year. At least once a year, there are new products and protocols that have been introduced since the last conference only 4 months ago. Many of the newer products now have a greater number of cells than they did maybe only a year ago. Readers email questions and come in for consultations about what regenerative therapies (stem cell therapy now called HCT) really is, and how they can benefit from it. Let's get things clear on where it comes from and how it gets such quick and effortless results with no down time off the golf course, pickleball or tennis court, or months of painful therapy. Regenerative therapies helps to rebuild or repair or restore tissue that is damaged by disease, injury, or age. This may be done to repair organs, tissue, or cells. Stem cells, for instance, have been formally known as stem cells. True stem cells come from the patient's own body, like bone marrow, or from the hip. The term is widely used, mainly because the public recognizes this term. The FDA requires that the terminology be changed to Human Cellular Tissue Product or HCT. Tis is because all of the regenerative products do not always include actual stem cells, but other types of cells as well. A mother who has had a live birth donates the baby's umbilical cord to the lab, and the cells are used from the cord. The lab we use at Accurate Care in North Scottsville AZ actually tests both parents for genetic disorders. A popular question I'm asked is whether Covid or the Covid vaccine is present in the cells, should either or both of the parents had Covid or had received the vaccine. Recent research of only a few months ago, actually shows that Covid, nor the vaccine crosses the placenta, so our cellular products contain neither Covid nor the vaccine. Not all labs can prove this, but the one we use does. This is great news for many concerned about this issue.
What do we do that's different to get such great results with our regenerative treatments at Accurate Care in North Scottsville AZ?
One of the most popular uses for HCT products is musculoskeletal uses. Damaged or torn muscle tissue, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage may be regrown by injecting the products into each damaged area. This is now a cutting-edge preventive method of keeping the tissue healthy and strong before the damage happens. It's the quintessential form of preventive medicine now.
I've also explained that inflammation must be 'forced' prior to injecting the cellular products. This is done so that once the cells are injected, they know where to go. They are drawn to damaged or inflamed areas of the body. In my office, we start the process with injections of the patient's PRP or platelet-rich plasma. This is done by drawing some blood into a special test tube and spun down specifically for this procedure. The red blood cells are separated, and the yellowish PRP remaining is then injected back into the patient at the area where the cells will be injected. This ensures that the majority of the cells will get to the desired area to do their job. This process changes according to the patient's diet and lifestyle. If a patient is a smoker, has a poor inflammatory diet, or drinks even wine daily, the PRP injections are done prior to cell injection as a result of systemic inflammation. This ensures the best results possible.
Our patients are placed on a non-inflammatory diet for about 2 weeks prior to their HCT treatment. I provide the patient with the information they need to eat right to make their outcome the best possible. This is what sets our practice above other practices, as the time needs to be taken to help the patient eat the best way possible during this time. This ensures once again that the HCT cells will go to the areas of most inflammation in order to help the healing and growth process. The most confusing part to the patient is usually why do we force the inflammatory process, and then reduce systemic inflammation. If the body is in a systemic state of inflammation, the HCT cells will travel to many areas, trying to help regenerate those areas. Not the areas you came to the office to be addressed. Again, those with a poor, inflammatory diet, heavy drinkers, and smokers, will have slower results and may have to get further injections later on.
Regenerative therapies is also used in male sexual rejuvenation rather than taking medications like Viagra. It is a quick and painless treatment that provides great results without the side effects of the medication. Only one treatment is necessary for most men. For women, it can increase the thickness of the tissue inside the vagina, making sexual activity much more comfortable for post-menopausal women. I'll write an article soon on sexual rejuvenation, as I've received quite a few emails on the subject.
Should you or anyone you know have questions about HCT products or would like to consult on how to finally get rid of your joint pain this year, please call my office for an appointment. I offer a complimentary consultation for my readers. Ultimately, the Nurse Practitioner in my office will give you a treatment protocol that is best for you.
For any questions regarding my articles, please email me at
Leisa-Marie Grgula. DC
Chiropractic Physician
Accurate Care Medical Wellness Center
18261 N. Pima Rd. Ste. #115
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
(480) 584-3955
10:00am - 2:00pm
3:30pm - 5:30pm
10:00am - 2:00pm
3:30pm - 5:30pm
10:00am - 2:00pm
3:30pm - 5:30pm
10:00am - 2:00pm
3:30pm - 5:30pm
10:00am - 4:00pm
By Appointment
Accurate Care Medical Wellness Center
18261 N Pima Rd Suite 115
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
P: (480) 584-3955
F: (602) 493-2262