Shedding Pounds in the Heat: Part 2 in North Scottsdale AZ

Shedding Pounds in the Heat: Part 2 in North Scottsdale AZ

chiropractic care for sciatica and back pain

There were so many questions regarding my last weight loss article, I decided to write a second one to continue where I left off. In my last article, I wrote about the hazards of reducing or even removing healthy carbohydrates, including vegetables to drop weight quicker in both normal conditions, as well as in extreme heat conditions. There are ways to reduce carbohydrate intake without harming your body by reducing minerals, and in turn, electrolytes.

In this article, I will cover more of the side effects of improper dieting during extreme heat conditions in North Scottsdale AZ.

Impaired Cognitive Function in North Scottsdale AZ

Extreme dieting can impair cognitive function due to a lack of glucose, which is the brain's primary energy source. Heat stress can further worsen cognitive impairment, leading to confusion and poor decision-making. Many people become concerned with their cognitive function, and have tests done for dementia. Yes, dementia has many causes, but one of the most common causes of reduced or altered cognitive function is extreme dieting and even a poor diet. Many people do not even consider that their daily food intake is similar to extreme dieting. When patients come to me for weight loss, diet and food related conditions, digestive disorders, and some others, the first thing I have them do is to write down a 7-day 24-hour record of what they are eating. In most cases, the patient believes that what they are eating is healthy, and the macro nutrients of protein, fats, and carbohydrates are sufficient for maintaining good health. Their rationale is that it's been working so far, so why change it now? My question to them, is "Is it really working?" The real reason is that if they are not eating a properly balanced intake of micronutrients, it is generally causing other conditions they have. Their micronutrients have rarely, if ever been checked by their other doctors and even some medical specialists. Conditions like heart and blood pressure issues, digestive disorders, cognition, as I mentioned above, blood sugar, musculoskeletal aches and pains, slow recovery, and fatigue just to name a few.

In many cases, regardless of the number of calories someone is consuming, they can suffer from malnutrition, even if they are overweight. Yes, some may get away with this for a while, but eventually, it will present itself in another form of disease that the cause is rarely found by their medical doctors. Medications are then prescribed, and the chance for side-effects increases, and therefore causes the need for additional medications. This medical Merry-Go-Round is difficult to get off, as it speeds up as we age, and then the patient is unable to reduce their medications or even to come off them entirely.

Another issue that generally works with diet is hydration. Eating the wrong type of carbohydrates like sugar, actually causes dehydration. For example, it can take 1-2 molecules of water to break down 1 molecule of sugar. There are specific factors that are involved, therefore there may not be a specific equation to define this. The bottom line is, if you are drinking your typical "8 glasses of water a day" and eating more fruit, sugary carbohydrates, and starchier foods, you are going into your next day already dehydrated. You may not even feel thirsty but can be dangerously dehydrated. Now you add extreme heat, a round of golf or pickleball, your morning walk, and this increases the dehydration immensely. Once again, causing other health problems that are having to be treated medically. One severe condition that can be quite serious for some, is a histamine reaction, or hives, itching and other symptoms that come with it. The patient takes an antihistamine, and still has the symptoms. The dermatologist, or general physician cannot seem to help. The patient gets antihistamine injections sometimes regularly with little or no relief. Water is actually the best antihistamine. It allows the body to function properly without having to fight allergens and other causes. Arizona is a state with a very high number of patients with allergies. If patients hydrate regularly with the right type of water, many of their histamine reactions are gone.

If you are drinking regular bottled water, it is generally reverse osmosis (RO). Many people have this for drinking water in their homes as well. RO water has been stripped of all chemicals, but is also stripped from important minerals that are converted to necessary electrolytes. When dieting or reducing caloric intake, you must drink water with minerals. If you drink RO water, it is necessary to add minerals to that water. A great source for minerals is Himalayan Salt Rocks (Sole). Using this daily helps balance your minerals. I carry it in my office. For me, I also use a water filter on my house that keeps a balanced amount of minerals in the water, while removing the harmful chemicals. Please be mindful as to what type of water you are drinking.

I hope this helps you to understand that even if you feel good, you may be depleting serious nutrients, minerals and other necessary things from your body. This often leads to danger in the future that then must be corrected with medications.

If you or anyone you know is looking for a doctor assisted weight-loss program that is safe and effective, please call my office for a complimentary consultation. There is more to weight loss than injections and medications to do it right, and to keep the weight off.

For any questions, please call my office for a complimentary consultation.

Leisa-Marie Grgula. DC

Chiropractic Physician
Accurate Care Medical Wellness Center
18261 N. Pima Rd. Ste. #115
(480) 584-3955

10:00am - 2:00pm
3:30pm - 5:30pm

10:00am - 2:00pm
3:30pm - 5:30pm

10:00am - 2:00pm
3:30pm - 5:30pm

10:00am - 2:00pm
3:30pm - 5:30pm

10:00am - 4:00pm

By Appointment


Accurate Care Medical Wellness Center

18261 N Pima Rd Suite 115
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
P: (480) 584-3955
F: (602) 493-2262