My Stem Cell Recovery Story in North Scottsdale AZ
My Stem Cell Recovery Story in North Scottsdale AZ
My personal story one year after a major shoulder injury:
On May 7, it was one year after my serious accident, breaking 3 bones in my face, and fully tearing 3 rotator cuff muscles of my right shoulder. I was at a Regenerative Therapies conference, and went for a run at 5:30 AM one day before the conference. Somehow, I tripped in the grass, and fell to my right side trying to turn back to run back to the resort. Because I tripped, and fell to the right, I was unable to brace my fall with my hands. My face and right shoulder hit the cement curbing. I was immediately taken to the hospital via ambulance.

They took a CT scan of my head, and found my right sinus, temporal, and orbital bones were fractured. It was recommended I see a maxillofacial surgeon upon returning to Arizona. I could hardly stand the pain in my right shoulder, but they did not examine it, as my facial fractures were more serious.
I flew home later that morning. Once I landed, I was assisted by a friend who is a retired nurse, and she helped me to get settled in, called a plastic surgeon colleague of mine, and booked an appointment on his recommendation with a maxillofacial surgeon here in Scottsdale the next day. He watched the bones' healing process every 2 weeks for 2 months, and concluded that there was no displacement, or movement of the bones. Thankfully, I did not require surgery. I did however, receive an intravenous HCTP (formerly known as stem cells) injection in my office, 5 days after the accident. This was to facilitate healing of the bones and help any other injury to my head. Although I did not have a concussion, I realized there was a lot of internal healing that had to happen fast, and minimize scar tissue.
The MRI showed serious damage to my shoulder.
Soon later, I ordered an MRI of my right shoulder. It revealed that 3 of my four rotator cuff muscles were torn. My supraspinatus and subscapularis muscles were fully torn with retraction of the supraspinatus. My infraspinatus had a partial tear of over 12 mm. These findings were only 3 of 7 severely damaged parts of my shoulder. This meant that shoulder surgery was necessary as soon as possible. It was also recommended that I see a shoulder specialist at Rush Presbyterian Hospital in Chicago as soon as the end of that week. I was told that if I had the partial to full replacement of my shoulder, I would probably not be able to adjust patients for as long as up to 3 months. I was shocked, and immediately looked into treating it also with HCTP in my own office.
Through extensive research, I made the choice to have HCTP injections done in my office.
I reached out to another colleague who does research in the field of restorative medicine. I told him that due to the severe damage of my shoulder, I would not normally be a qualified patient for HCTP, I would like to try that first. He agreed, and assured me that if I did not get the results I want, I could always have the surgery done later. The other doctor who recommended the surgery was insistent that I have surgery right away, but I chose the HCTP, which also included our protocol of ozone, and PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) injections.
I listened to my body, and received a second and third injection over the next 14 weeks.
About a week after the first injection into my shoulder, I had increased range of motion, with some less pain. I was still unable to sleep on that side, but the healing was happening. I listened to my body, and felt the need for my second injection in about 7 weeks. I did that, and there was even a greater range of motion and much less pain. I was able to do light upper body exercises in the gym at that point. Once again, I listened to my body, and felt like I was ready for another injection about 7 weeks later. A third injection is not common, but neither were my injuries. After that third injection, I felt even more increased range of motion, much less pain, and I was able to sleep on that side. By this time I was so excited and grateful that I did not choose the surgery. I knew I was on the road to recovery. By mid September, I was swinging a golf club, which I was told I would never be able to do again if I did not opt for the surgery. I continued going to the gym, and increased the weights very slowly. If I felt pain, I would stop.
How using the right products helps the body heal itself and how this worked for me in Scottsdale AZ.
By January, I contacted my research colleague once again, and he was very excited for me, and the success of the HCTP products I chose.
We discussed how when the right products are used, the body has the essential building blocks to heal itself without scar tissue. Those who are still active over 50 are at risk of shoulder and other injuries. This is why I am such a fan of restorative medicine. It keeps active people active.
The proof was in the second MRI.
I had a follow up MRI in March. By then, my pain level was decreasing every day. I had the same radiologist read the second MRI. It revealed that every one of the 3 torn muscles were growing back and had improved since the first MRI! There were still other tendons that needed to improve, but I was on the mend.
My right shoulder is now my "good shoulder"!
By the beginning of April, I was comfortably increasing the weight in the gym weekly. Within about 2 weeks of May 7th, the anniversary of my fall, I was virtually pain-free! Not only do I sleep on that side regularly, I use it without ever thinking first. My right shoulder is now my "good" shoulder. I can play golf pain-free, and I'm getting stronger in the gym every week. To me, subjectively, my shoulder is back to where it was prior to the accident.
Regarding my facial bones, I never required surgery, and the surgeon would jokingly refer to my recovery as " Run-away healing." He reported that he'd never seen anyone heal that fast. Things he said that would take months to heal, took weeks. My patients were amazed at my fast healing too. The swelling, bruising, and pain were quickly diminished. I attribute that to the intravenous HCTP treatment I received 5 days after the accident.
The body has an amazing potential to heal itself under normal circumstances. Under stress, trauma, and inflammation, it does not. I can help patients with difficult cases, as well as mainstream degeneration. Should you, or anyone you know, want to learn more about HCTP and how it can increase healing, and in many cases, prevent surgery, please call my office to book a complimentary consultation.
My MRI reports are available here at the end of this article.
For any questions regarding my articles, please email me at
Leisa-Marie Grgula. DC
Chiropractic Physician
Accurate Care Medical Wellness Center
18261 N. Pima Rd. Ste. #115
(480) 584-3955
10:00am - 2:00pm
3:30pm - 5:30pm
10:00am - 2:00pm
3:30pm - 5:30pm
10:00am - 2:00pm
3:30pm - 5:30pm
10:00am - 2:00pm
3:30pm - 5:30pm
10:00am - 4:00pm
By Appointment
Accurate Care Medical Wellness Center
18261 N Pima Rd Suite 115
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
P: (480) 584-3955
F: (602) 493-2262