The Holidays are here! These 5 foods help you lower inflammation in North Scottsdale AZ, and maybe lose a few pounds at the same time
The Holidays are here! These 5 foods help you lower inflammation in North Scottsdale AZ, and maybe lose a few pounds at the same time

Yes, we all cheat and enjoy our party foods, including cookies, pies, and all of the fixings this time of year. Feasting. It’s what the Holidays are all about. When we over-indulge in these otherwise inflammatory foods in North Scottsdale AZ, the aches and pains show up. I’ll give you a few foods that can be eaten during the Holidays at dinners, parties, and just for your regular meals, that may help reduce the arthritic pain that flares up this time of year.
Foods To Help Reduce Inflammation in North Scottsdale AZ
The first one is beets. I know root vegetables are common in a lot of Holiday meals, so none of your guests will know you’re serving something healthy. (I’ll never tell!) Beets contain compounds similar to anti-inflammatory Cox-2 inhibitors like aspirin, but without the dangerous side-effects. These are called Betanin and Vulgaxanthin. Beets also contain Betaine. This protects your cells against factors that cause pain and stiffness. Beet juice also helps athletic performance by drinking it before a workout.
Avocados are healthy for us as we already know. Avocados contain a unique sugar, AV119. Although sugar is inflammatory, this sugar blocks inflammation, like Omega 3s. A study published in 2013 in Food and Function Journal, reported that adding just a small amount of avocado to a burger, neutralizes the inflammatory effects of eating a burger. This doesn’t mean you can over-indulge in fast food burgers, but balance is key.
Salmon is the most anti-inflammatory protein available. More than just the presence of Omega 3s, it has the ability to actually change how the body reduces the inflammation in the body, to bring it to a non-inflammatory status. It actually resolves the inflammation. The EPA and DHA actually prevents inflammation before it starts. Salmon also has astaxanthin. It gives salmon the red color. This is another reason to buy wild caught. Most farmed salmon has red coloring added to the fish. Astaxanthin is not found in a regular Omega 3 fish oil capsule, so it’s important to eat the salmon as well. It’s antioxidant properties are more than 6,000 times stronger than Vitamin. C.
Some dairy is inflammatory. There some forms of dairy that are not inflammatory. Goat’s milk and goat cheese are in that category. The bacteria in goat cheese and goat milk is what gives it the unique flavor, and breaks down some components of the cheese to become caprylic acid. This is an MCT, or medium chain triglyceride. As those of you who read my columns regularly, you know MCTs help in fat burning, and caprylic acid the highest fat burning MCT. In the Journal of Endocrine Metabolic Immune Disorder Targets reported that by eating even a small amount of goat cheese, cancels out a specific toxin in the gut that leaks out into the bloodstream. This is a pretty simple way to enjoy holiday cheese platters, help burn fat, and reduce leaky gut, common with those who have chronic inflammation and pain. Again, please refer to my article on Dementia, Type 3 Diabetes. It mentions the dangers of leaky gut, and how to prevent planning, while helping you and your guests enjoy healthy choices.
For anyone who would like a complimentary consultation on inflammatory arthritis and it. These foods can help you effortlessly enjoy your Holiday, it was meal and party non-invasive methods of treatment to get your life back, please call my office for an appointment.
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Accurate Care Medical Wellness Center
18261 N Pima Rd Suite 115
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
P: (480) 584-3955
F: (602) 493-2262